Register Here
Venue: To be arranged, upon new course.
Time: To be arranged.
Please note: We’ve not actively done the course in some time. As one of many things we do at Chinnici Consulting, it is not our full time focus, exclusively. However, we value it highly, warmed up in the wings. If you or your organization has an interest in the running of this seminar, please give us a contact.
Price: $50, per module
Please use the registration links shown for the specific weeks you plan to attend:
We have several options for the payment for this seminar and clinic. At any of the respective registration buttons on our Syllabus page, or links shown here, you may choose:
- Free registration “placeholding”, and pay $50 when you arrive at the door. (Ideal if you’re unsure you’ll be able to attend.)
- Registration with payment in advance, at a discounted $45 per event. (For any of the single events: as many or as few events as you like to attend.)
- You’ll also find a discounted option for the entire fourteen week seminar (which we highly recommend). This would be $370 for the entirety, with any makeups being allowed at any subsequent series. –A 12% discount.
Finally, we understand that many businesses are simply too busy to afford self or employee time away for fourteen subsequent weeks. For this, you may also contract with me privately, and independently.
- Personalized work of the same principles, at your location: $1,600. This also includes full clinic registration as well. Contact us for this discussion and information.
Unconditional Guarantee:
Additionally, we offer full money-back guarantee: For any session that you do not find value, you may choose that session to be your last, and request a full refund.
Our final week of Seminar One has ended. Congrats to all participants!
Please write us if you are interested to be included in the next seminar. Next Dates and Venues are yet to be determined.